by Don Collins | Jan 16, 2022 | grownup kitchen, Sample Recipes
Soft Shell Tacos The taco probably originated in the Los Angeles area in the 18th century and was introduced by Mexican immigrants. The original probably featured chicken, beef or pork as a filling. The seasoned ground meat taco came along later and that’s what’s on...
by Don Collins | Jan 3, 2022 | Chef's Favorites, Recipes
Greens, Beans and Polenta with Mango Salsa It’s said that the Roman Legions lived on polenta. Use this ancient, cooked dish tonight as a base for your dinner of greens. The finish of homemade low-sodium mango salsa really tops this plate off with a flourish.
by Don Collins | Dec 28, 2021 | Straight Talk
“Ignore the effects of animal agriculture on climate change at your own peril.” Dr. Sailesh Rao, Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers. Three of the hottest years in our planet’s history have occurred since 2016. That’s happening because greenhouse gas...
by Don Collins | Dec 24, 2021 | Straight Talk
Is gluten, which is simply a protein that comes from wheat and wheat related products, really a problem? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” For about 2% of the world’s population it is. That’s 20 of every 1000 people you encounter. Roughly twice as many, 4% or so,...
by Don Collins | Dec 24, 2021 | Straight Talk
Carbohydrates have taken a real beating over the past 30 years. Any number of fad diets have called out carbs as the enemy. People have made millions writing books on the evils of carbohydrates keening cautionary gems like “avoid all white foods.” However,...