“Since we’ve been cooking more at home, we have more energy, we’re saving money, and we are having fun making our meals together.”

“I never really thought of myself as a cook before, but this has turned into my special culinary hobby.”

Flexitarian Lifestyle

What’s the best way to eat healthier?

Paleolithic, Pollotarian, Pescatarian, Vegetarian, Vegan…some of these are legitimate lifestyle choices and others are simply fads. Every year it seems that at least one new dietary fad storms into the marketplace. Many of the fads exclude certain foods, and some even eliminate entire food groups.

How are we supposed to know which approach is healthiest for us? Yikes!

I suggest taking a closer look at a lifestyle choice that started quietly back in the 90’s. It was dubbed “Flexitarianism,” and the name is pretty self-explanatory. In fact, it has gained in popularity over the last two decades, while other fads have faded away. When eating Flexitarian, you’re encouraged to consume a plant-based diet that is inclusive of all food groups. Protein options remain flexible. For instance, you may have cut back on beef, pork and poultry, but fish and shellfish, as well as eggs and dairy are still welcome additions.

It’s a style of eating that allows you to adjust slowly. You have flexibility to decide how much to cut back on meat. Some people start by going plant-based one or two days a week. The idea is that even small steps can make a difference.

Today, migration to a plant-based approach to eating is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. And there are good reasons for adopting this approach: environmental concerns (pollution and sustainability), weight management, health awareness, and animal welfare.

Recent data shows that 1 in 4 people are attempting to eat less meat. As a result, the demand for plant-based foods has experienced remarkable growth. It’s estimated that grocery sales of plant-based foods that directly replace animal products will grow by 30% by 2027. Venture capitalists are investing heavily in plant-based proteins that are marketed as direct substitutes for familiar meat staples like hamburger and sausage.

Respected scientists, advocates and research groups have agreed that the adoption of a plant-based diet could save countless lives, feed 10 billion people worldwide and reduce catastrophic damage to the planet. And, speaking of saving, did you know that going plant-based will save you up to 50% at the cash register?

At Grown-up Kitchen, we encourage you to try the Flexitarian approach

You’re going to find that our plant-based recipes are more satisfying in texture, color, and flavor.  We’ve spent many years incorporating the vast array of food favorites that our ancestors have contributed to the western diet.  We simply give those recipes a little tweak here and there to make them healthier. And, along the way we’ve developed some new dishes you may have never experienced. As you flex your eating habits, you’ll enjoy grown-up adventuresome eating from around the world that’s good for you…and good for the planet.