Caesar Salad with Sliced Chicken: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The first time I experienced a Caesar Salad was at the famous Brown Derby restaurant in LA. I was young, newly married and naive. It turned out to be the only thing on the menu my wife and I could afford.

When the waiter wheeled the cart to our table to prepare the salads, he grabbed the egg at speed with a flourish and cracked it with one hand. Nothing happened. The kitchen had sent him a hardboiled egg. He smiled through gritted teeth and hissed at the busboy to fetch him a raw egg for the dressing. The show was worth the price. 

You won’t have the same problem with this version since it utilizes a wonderful eggless Caesar dressing. Enjoy!

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Berry Fine Feast: Sunday, June 16, 2024

Berries abound in this nourishing salad combo tonight. Part of the tabletop celebration will be a dazzling seasonal salad of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries. You’ll set them off with a yogurt, mint and honey sauce.

You’ll also cook the ancient grain farro (also known as emmer). The farro anchors a terrific sweet and savory salad made with toasted hazelnuts, chopped scallions and dried tart cherries. 

Serve the salads alongside a piece of smoked salmon or trout with a warmed baguette. It’s a great leisurely Sunday feast.

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