Recent Recipes

Pizza Burgers with Arugula Salad: Thursday, June 20, 2024

Pizza Burgers with Arugula Salad: Thursday, June 20, 2024

Open-faced sandwiches are actually old-world delicacies. Back in the 15th century the English called these sandwiches “trenches.” The French called them “trenchers.” The idea was that the slice of bread also served as the plate and after you ate the toppings, you ate the “plate.”

Tonight you’ll have Pizza Burgers served open-faced. It’ll be served with a fruit-laced arugula salad. We’ve progressed a bit since the 15th century. A plate will be provided.

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Falafel Roll-ups with Tabbouleh: Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Falafel Roll-ups with Tabbouleh: Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Back in September you froze leftover falafel. Tonight you’ll put it to use and make some delicious dinner roll-ups. If you don’t have leftover falafel, Chickenless Tenders will work just fine. Add some tabbouleh salad and a piece of fruit, and you’ve got a refreshing meal.

This AM…
Pull 8 falafel pieces from the freezer and transfer to a plate in the fridge for the day.

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Caesar Salad with Sliced Chicken: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Caesar Salad with Sliced Chicken: Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The first time I experienced a Caesar Salad was at the famous Brown Derby restaurant in LA. I was young, newly married and naive. It turned out to be the only thing on the menu my wife and I could afford.

When the waiter wheeled the cart to our table to prepare the salads, he grabbed the egg at speed with a flourish and cracked it with one hand. Nothing happened. The kitchen had sent him a hardboiled egg. He smiled through gritted teeth and hissed at the busboy to fetch him a raw egg for the dressing. The show was worth the price. 

You won’t have the same problem with this version since it utilizes a wonderful eggless Caesar dressing. Enjoy!

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Savory Fish Tacos: Friday, June 14, 2024

Savory Fish Tacos: Friday, June 14, 2024

Fish tacos are on the menu. If you don’t have leftover fish, you can cook some. The tacos are served with a quick tarter sauce, shredded cabbage, lettuce, seared peppers and homemade Quick, Low-sodium Tomato Salsa.

Serve a plate of orange slices as a finish to the meal.

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