Call me old fashioned – please! This meal is an old-fashioned comfort-food-style chicken and mushrooms dish. When I was a kid, my mom made this dish with chicken thighs, cream of chicken and cream of mushroom soup. Tonight’s version offers a healthier alternative.
Baked Salmon with Baked Potato Fries: Wednesday, March 5, 2025
A fillet of baked salmon with homemade ponzu sauce is featured tonight. Add a baked version of french fries and a splash of color with steamed broccoli and peppers. Delicious victuals are on the way.
You’ll be baking an extra piece of salmon for Fridays Salmon Rice Bowl.
Teriyaki Beets and Greens, Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Tonight you’re treated to the earthy overtones of roasted beets and their tangy greens. You’ll fold in the sweet and salty flavors of teriyaki and the crunch of water chestnuts. The dish is served over nutty, wholesome farro. (Farro is also known as Emmer). Since farro needs about an hour to cook, you may wish to try the “Quick Cook” method early in the day. (See Notes on Organizing.) You can also substitute quinoa in this dish.
If you didn’t cook beets Sunday, scrub beets and throw them into a 375° oven for 1 hour before you wish to dine.
Fat Facts: Things You Should Know
Here in the U.S. we’ve been obsessed with fat-free and low fat diets for decades, yet 2/3 of us are overweight or obese. So what should we know about fat in our diet? Why do we refer to fats in...
Pasta Prima Vera Aglio e Olio: Monday, March 3, 2025
This time of year prima Vera vegetables are simply what you can find in the produce aisle. The mix in this recipe will probably be available in most stores. We’re serving this pasta in garlic and olive oil which some call the “Mother Sauce.” It is one of the most simple sauces to carry off and is fabulously delicious! You can substitute nearly endless variations of herbs and vegetables to this pasta dish if you wish.
Irish Stew: Sunday, March 2, 2025
In the true European tradition, stew is made with whatever is on hand. Plant-based folks can use plant-based “Beefless Tips” or marinated/grilled tofu for the stew. For meat eaters, I propose using a turkey breast fillet with this recipe. Make this dish mid-afternoon and let it rest until dinnertime.