White Chili
White bean chili is on the menu. You’ll get a kick out of this delicious and unique chili. I’m offering it as a weekend entree. A specially seasoned “Red Swirl” will add a decorative appeal while providing an extra chili kick.
Assemble the soup early in the day and let it rest for at least an hour.
Pick up some fresh artisan bread to enjoy with this meal.
Grocery List: White Chili
Sunday, White Chili
garlic (if needed)
one yellow onion
1 head red leaf lettuce
1 cucumber
celery (if needed)
2 jalapeno peppers
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
10 oz. cherry tomatoes
Canned/Dried Foods
one 32 oz. box low sodium veggie broth
12 oz. dried white navy beans (if cooking beans) or two 15 oz. cans white navy beans (if not cooking beans)
ground cloves (if needed)
white pepper (if needed)
ground cumin (if needed)
chili powder (if needed)
cayenne pepper (if needed)
dried oregano leaves (if needed)
Frozen Foods
8 oz. plant-based chicken strips (if going meatless)
8 oz. turkey breast fillet (if eating meat)
Chilled Foods/Dairy
plain, nonfat yogurt (if needed)
nonfat milk (if needed)
Additional Items
1 loaf artisan bread of choice
Nutritional Value White Chili
Nutritional Analysis
White Chili (with meat)
Per Serving
Calories: 580
Protein: 30 g
Carbohydrates: 59 g
Total Fat: 26 g
(Saturated Fat:) 3.5 g
Dietary Fiber: 7 g
Cholesterol: 30 mg
Sodium: 400 mg
% calories from fat: 41.7 %
Serving Size:
Two C. chili with 2 T. red paste and 2 T. yogurt with dressed side salad and 3 slices baguette.
White Chili (meatless)
Nutritional Analysis
Per Serving
Calories: 580
Protein: 32 g
Carbohydrates: 61 g
Total Fat: 24 g
(Saturated Fat:) 3 g
Dietary Fiber: 9 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 530 mg
% calories from fat: 39.3 %
Serving Size:
Two C. chili with 2 T. red paste and 2 T. yogurt with dressed side salad and 3 slices baguette.