Baked Salmon with Browned Mushroom Orzo

Baked salmon appears in the starring role in tonight’s dinner production, while a tasty mushroom orzo takes on a supporting role. They’re accompanied by a sassy chorus of seared cabbage and onions. Standing ovations are not uncommon!
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Baked Salmon with Browned Mushroom Orzo


garlic (if needed)

1 large yellow onion

1 head Napa or Savoy cabbage

1 bunch fresh cilantro

1 red bell pepper

6 oz. crimini mushrooms 

Canned/Dried Foods

 orzo pasta 

low-sodium vegetable broth (if needed)

balsamic vinegar (if needed)

rice wine vinegar (if needed)

cornstarch (if needed)

bay leaf (if needed)

white wine for cooking (if needed)

Frozen Foods


1 lb. wild salmon fillets (purchase in 3 filets – you can use frozen filets)

Chilled Foods/Dairy

shredded Parmesan cheese (if needed)

Nutritional Value: Baked Salmon with Mushroom Orzo

Baked Salmon with Mushroom Orzo

Nutritional Analysis

Per Serving

Calories: 670

Protein: 42 g

Carbohydrates: 71 g

Total Fat: 21 g

(Saturated Fat:) 3 g

Dietary Fiber: 11 g

Cholesterol: 55 mg

Sodium: 330 mg

% calories from fat: 28.9 %

Serving Size:

One 4 oz. salmon topped with cilantro with 6 oz. mushroom orzo and 1-1/2 C. seared cabbage and onions.